miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Configuration Management Definition Of Configuration Management

Configuration Administration and its Various Uses


Microsoft Windows 3.0 (For DOS systems) by Ed Bilodeau

Why does it matter?
In a large business network it's not unusual to have hundreds or thousands of network devices. Should you add up all your switches, routers, firewalls and various network appliances, and then you think about how many strains of configuration settings employ to every one, you can see there's an important funding in your networks' configuration which must be protected.

•    It helps to keep a backup of all network configurations. This shall enable you to stay assured that if perhaps there's a sudden network crash all your configuration details wont become misplaced – a backup is likely to be stored. This is certainly one of those characteristics which are seemed forward to by community pros to secure their functions.

Changes to recognized merchandise are controlled.
Affected groups and people are knowledgeable of the position and subject matter of computer software baselines.

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The last type is a general one. reserved for any general issues, observations or concerns (for example, my design engineer has resigned!).

All the above might be seen as simply different classes of an Issue.
So what is Configuration Management? Well it truly is primarily an

Discover more about configuration management here.
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